All I Want For Christmas Is… A Mimosa! I fully understand it’s...

All I Want For Christmas Is… A Mimosa!
I fully understand it’s Christmas weekend and I should feel warm and fuzzy inside, but being a creature of habit I couldn’t help but feel a mess sans my afternoon mimosa… This holiday completely monopolized my Saturday afternoon and interfered with my weekend routine. (Plus, there’s only so much eggnog a girl can consume.) That being said, I packed the latest Vogue Magazine, my Mac laptop, yesterday’s WWD and the novel Valley of the Dolls (that my nerd of a self is rereading for the 3rd time) and am currently sitting at a café catching up on my reading and work while sipping on a mimosa.
My goodness, I must sound like Ebenezer Scrooge’s kid sister… Don’t get me wrong, I love this time of year AND Mariah Carey’s Christmas album- but seriously, two hours ago all I wanted for Christmas was a mimosa! While my mother was deciding which tacky reindeer sweater to don at tonight’s dinner I snuck out the back door- well, I didn’t exactly sneak out… I told my father I was going for a walk. He took one look at my outfit, knew different and as he puffed on his cigar told me “I reckon that fancy footwear (Giuseppe Zanotti to be exact) isn’t going to get you very far, so if you’re heading to an establishment to kick back a few I’m coming with you.” Good man, clearly I am my father’s daughter.
And so here we are, father and daughter- window seated at a suburban cafe, both surrounded in spirits and reading material. He’s buried in his New York Times and is sipping a Guinness while I am engulfed in all things fashion and am sipping on a mimosa. Home for the holidays- now THIS is what I’m talking about!
UPDATE: 3 mimosas and 2 Guinness’ later, long after we put our reading material down to poke fun at all the distant relatives we will be seeing this weekend and placing bets on who will wear the worst Christmas attire the phone calls start pouring in. I bet Aunt Claire would win “worst sweater” and he bet Aunt Pam would win “worst accessory” due to her addiction with reindeer headbands. (Every year Aunt Pam and her family of 7, including her dog Pickle, wear a pair of antlers to our family holiday party and Lord only knows where on earth Aunt Claire finds her terrible Christmas sweaters, which I swear since I’ve been a child have only gotten worse as the years progressed. Ooh and for the record, I’m not related to either Aunt by blood- hence why my father and I don’t feel terrible about poking fun at their “fabulous fashions”, as both my Aunt’s like to refer to their holiday attire.) Anyway, my mother called my father frantic, as my sisters did I, because we weren’t at the house- seriously ladies, what did you think, that we ran away?! That’s crazy, especially since we haven’t even exchanged gifts AND after the trek here I’m not leaving these suburban streets till I collect my goods!
Anyway, as my father and I stumble home in fits of laughter- I would just like to wish each and every one of you a blessed holiday season! May this time of year offer you joy, laughter, peace and happiness!
Happy Holidays!
Love, Jessica