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It’s A Holly Jolly Christmas…

So how about that, it’s officially Christmas Eve- where did the year go?! I don’t know if I should be grateful the year is over or fearful this means I’m just getting older… Either way, it’s still the perfect time of year to dress up! (And who doesn’t love that?!) Granted the anxiety of looking my best at a very well-dressed party and the ramifications of reorganizing my wardrobe the day after my stress levels could do without, but seriously- what’s a little added stress compared to the heaps of angst when dealing with Christmas shopping?!

Sigh… One day when I marry a prince (and yes, my 28 year old self is still banking on finding him) I won’t have to worry with vying for the attention of a sales associate along with thirty other equally annoyed patrons in search of the latest Wii remote or long lines when trying to return bath towels because my sister already bought them for my parents. (Yeah, that was annoying- when will my parents learn to give us separate lists?!) I envision when I’m royalty I can hand one of my many servants my lists of gifts to buy or, of course, they’ll be able to read my mind and I won’t even have to bother putting pen to paper. Sigh, one day. Goodness, when will I find my Prince Charming? This kissing of toads is getting old and I’ve run out of my favorite Dior Beauty Lip Glow. Maybe Santa will stuff my stocking with a man this year… Sigh, maybe.

Ok enough daydreaming and back to the important things in life, like fashion… I’ve decided once I become a princess I’m going to have lavish holiday parties. I also think this outfit is the perfect mix of glitz, glamour and holiday cheer- one I would definitely rock at a Christmas Eve dinner party hosted by moi with a menu full of chef specialties by Bobby Flay. (Ok, so maybe it sounds like I didn’t exactly stop daydreaming, personally I’d like to dub this wishful thinking…)

Happy Holidays!

Love, Jessica