My friend Rachel wore the Windsor Necklace during NYC Fall 2011...

My friend Rachel wore the Windsor Necklace during NYC Fall 2011 Fashion Week. Isn’t it so pretty??
let’s go back in time to Friday. Friday? gosh it’s all a blur. anyway this was breakfast at Cipriani with Nina Garcia. joelle got a great shot of my mimosa colored blouse with the suzannadai bejeweled necklace i wore so she just sent it over.
update on the Ninas- after the tragedy of Sunday night after the Behnaz show as recounted here i had the chance to redeem myself! As i was walking in to the Carolina show, we spotted Nina again across the runway, chatting with some other ladies. She looked up and caught my eye and I smiled. Then she ducked out of her conversation for a moment and I walked over to her and said hello and she immediately gave me bisous/bisous and hug and I launched into the most graceful apology I could conjure for having left her hanging. She smiled and laughed and waved it off and was of course gorgeous and gracious. A few moments more and the show was starting and I mean you can’t just keep Nina all to yourself, you’ve got to spread the love! So i thanked her and we went to our seats as the lights started to dim.