Design Inspiration: Rita Hayworth Often times when in search of...

Design Inspiration: Rita Hayworth
Often times when in search of design inspiration I find myself not only rereading some of my favorite books, but also watching old films. Recently in doing so I came across one of my favs- Rita Hayworth. My goodness, they just don’t make them like that anymore! Ever since I was younger I adored her- her confidence, sex appeal, even hair (which I later in life learned her hairline was actually raised by electrolysis). Keeping Rita and my old movies in mind when creating this fall’s assemblage of accessories I decided to create a series dedicated to all things sexy and elegant- the Chicago Collection. This 3 piece statement series is predominantly black with blue and clear crystal accents. My favorite part is the tassel of crystals- I absolutely love how the necklace and drop earrings move with you when worn. It adds the perfect amount of va-va-voom without being too in your face- sexy in a subtle way. I love this series and imagine if Rita were around today she would just as much!
Love, Suzie